If you’re a new mom reading this blog, let me first congratulate you for bringing a beautiful new life in this world. I hope both you and your baby are doing really well. I still remember my time like it was yesterday. Delivering a baby 5 weeks in advance, the anxiety that came along with it, the tensions of the baby being healthy and what not. Even though it has been two years since then, it still feels like yesterday.
Becoming a new mother is a life-changing experience filled with joy, challenges, and adjustments. All of us new moms have good days and bad days, but in the end the joy of having that precious new life in your hands is
unmatched. Having a baby can be really overwhelming; no matter how prepared you think you are, there are things which are unfathomable, so here I am trying to list down a few tips for new mothers which might make this major transition a bit easier.
As a new mom, it's essential to prioritise your well-being. Ensure you get enough rest, eat nourishing meals, and take breaks when needed. Taking care of yourself allows you to be more present and better equipped to care for your baby. More often than not we get so lost in taking care of our little one that we tend to ignore our needs, which later can cause a sea of problems, not just physically but emotionally as well. So my dearest new moms, please do look after yourselves.
Accept Help
I know this is easier said than done because when so many new things are happening around you, not everyone understands what it is that you exactly need or what one may do to truly help you. But do not hesitate to ask for assistance from family and friends. They are all there for you, to make this journey easier in whichever way possible. Whether it's someone helping with household chores or providing emotional support, having a support system is crucial during the early days of motherhood.
Trust Your Instincts
There is nobody who understands what is good for your baby better than you. So please trust your instincts, no matter how new or afraid you feel. Each baby is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Trust your instincts and develop confidence in your ability to understand and respond to your baby's needs. Like they say in Hindi "Suno sabki, karo apni", which means, listen to everyone, but you do you.
Establish a Routine
While flexibility is key, establishing a basic routine can provide stability for both you and your baby. Predictable patterns for feeding, sleeping, and playtime can help create a sense of security and also give you time to just be yourself or if need be even take a little break from your new one!! And please my dear new moms, do not feel guilty about this at all. At the end of the day we need to look after ourselves and nobody can do this better than us.
Connect with Other Moms
Joining a new moms' group or connecting with friends who have recently become parents can provide a valuable support network. Sharing experiences, advice, and challenges with other mothers can be reassuring and enlightening. Oftentimes we find ourselves lost for answers at wee hours, wondering what to do, at such hours these groups can be life savers and also add a bit of sanity to lives.
Don't Strive for Perfection
I have been a super hyper paranoid mom all my mom life and I have had so many people tell me to calm down, or just take it easy. Call it this innate need to do the best, but motherhood is a journey filled with ups and downs. It's okay not to have everything figured out. Embrace the imperfections, and remember that being a good mother doesn't mean being perfect.
Take Baby Steps
It is important to set realistic expectations for yourself and your baby. Understand that it's okay to take things one step at a time. Celebrate small victories and milestones, and be patient with both yourself and your baby. Please keep reminding yourself that you are doing a really good job.
Seek Professional Guidance
Many times no matter how many tips we read, or how many Whatsapp groups we chat in, we are still overwhelmed and find it difficult to navigate this new chapter in our lives. In such a scenario it is good to seek professional help. A healthcare provider, lactation consultant, or counselor can offer guidance and support.
Capture Moments
Time flies and babies grow quickly. Take the time to capture special moments through photos or journaling. Creating memories allows you to cherish and reflect on the precious moments of your baby's early days. We click endless pictures of our babies at all times but we forget to capture ourselves along with our little ones. Have people around you to capture these beautiful mother baby moments for you. Trust me this will prove to be better than any gift people can bring for you!
Communicate with Your Partner
When so many changes are happening in your life, there is one thing which is constant and that is your partner. Open and honest communication with your partner can be a big help in this new phase. Share your feelings, concerns, and joys with each other. Working together as a team helps create a supportive environment for both parents and the baby.
So my dearest new moms, I will just sign off by saying, do what suits you, do what makes you and your baby happy, do things which you feel are important.
Accept advice but don’t forget to follow your heart! And here is another piece of advice for you -